Friday 28 November 2014


Ice cream's origins are known to reach back as far as the second century B.C., although no specific date of origin nor inventor has been undisputably credited with its discovery. We know that Alexander the Great enjoyed snow and ice flavoured with honey and nectar. Over a thousand years later, Marco Polo returned to Italy from the Far East with a recipe that closely resembled what is now called sherbet. Historians estimate that this recipe evolved into ice cream sometime in the 16th century. England seems to have discovered ice cream at the same time, or perhaps even earlier than the Italians. "Cream Ice" as it was called, appeared regularly at the table of Charles I during the 17th century.

Let’s try a simple and easy recipe. It’s very simple and the ingredients are very easly can be found.

Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

2 cups heavy cream, 1 cup whole milk, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 4 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped

1. Use an ice-cream maker.
2. In a large bowl, combine the cream, milk, sugar, and vanilla.
3. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for freezing. Once the desired consistency has been reached, stir in the chocolate.
4. Serve immediately or freeze in an airtight container.

1. Do not allow ice cream to repeatedly soften and re-freeze. When ice cream's small ice crystals melt and re-freeze, they can eventually turn into large, unpalatable lumps.
2. Your freezer should be set at between -5°F and 0°F. Ice cream is easy to dip between 6°F and 10°F, the ideal serving temperature range.
3. Store ice cream in the main part of the freezer. Do not store ice cream in the freezer door, where ice cream can be subject to more fluctuating temperatures since the door is repeatedly open and shut.
4. Keep the ice cream container lid tightly closed when storing in the freezer.
5. Don't store ice cream alongside uncovered foods; odors may penetrate ice cream and affect its flavour.
6. Put ice cream products in a separate section of the grocery cart or place on top of other groceries.
7. Store ice cream in the main part of the freezer, not on the door, where it is subject to more fluctuating temperatures
8. Keep the freezer door closed as much as possible. Standing at the freezer and staring inside will warm all the items you are storing.

9. When you store pungent food, the smells can move quickly. Those odors can mix with your ice cream and change the flavour. So be careful on this.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Saree – Indian Traditional Wear

Saree is an Indian traditional costume worn by females. It is a long cloth that goes from four to nine yards long and it is draped in various styles. Saree is a national dress in India. But besides that formal tag, it is a garment that accentuates the beauty of an Indian woman to the fullest. Saree is also one of the most versatile clothes. There is a type of saree for every occasion. Different types of sarees are worn on different occasions.

Sarees are made from many different types of materials and decorated with many different styles of embroidery. The different types of materials all create different textures and styles of drapes and therefore very much shapes the overall look of the saree. The embroidery must also match the material of the saree. The various types of sarees are:

1.Georgette Sarees
One of the most common materials used for modern sarees is georgette. This is a reasonably sheer lightweight fabric which is slightly heavier and less opaque then chiffon. This makes georgette sarees ideal for creating pleats and creates an elegant saree drape. Georgette is often made of silk or polyester and has a slightly springy quality which makes it move on it’s own. This is again ideal for the saree pleats when walking and the saree drape. On a georgette sari you can have both lighter and heavier types of embroidery and any type of print. A versatile sari and Indian suit material.


2. Chiffon Sarees
Chiffon is a material which gives an elegant floating appearance to any outfit and especially to the Indian sari. A chiffon sari, being so elegant is ideal for evening wear. Chiffon is a sheer lightweight fabric which creates a lightweight sari which is suited to both light and heavier embroidery. Chiffon can be made from silk, nylon or polyester.



3. Silk Sarees
Silk is a material famously associated with the Indian sari. Traditionally silk sarees have been considered a sign of wealth. Silk sarees these days are less common although silk sarees still create a real look of elegance and are often simple and light to manage. Silk sarees have a natural shine which is great for showcasing traditional Indian prints.


4. Crepe sarees
Crepe is an increasingly popular material used for both sarees and in Indian fashion in general. Crepe is a woven or knitted fabric and often regarded as a luxurious material. Crepe sarees have a great drape and fall, again making crepe sarees perfect for evening wear.


5. Cotton Sarees
Cotton sarees are often light-weight and easy care sarees. Cotton sarees are normally associated with a more casual sari style.


6. Bandhani Sarees
The bandhani sari can be traced back to its roots in Rajasthan and Gujarat in India. The bandhani print in both Indian fashion and Indian sarees has seen a recent revival. Bandhani sarees and prints are recognisable by their distinct tie-dye print.


Wednesday 19 November 2014

Colours defines yourself!!

Hello everyone? What is your favourite colour? White?, black?, pink?, or yellow?? Favourite colour varies each person to another. The meaning of colours can vary depending on culture and circumstances. But do you know that the colour you choose as your favourite or the colour you use the most in your daily life defines yourself? People may estimate you by knowing your favourite colour. 
So let’s learn about the colours and its meaning today.

1. If your favourite colour is red, you are action oriented with a deep need for physical fulfillment and to experience life through the five senses.

2. If orange is your favourite colour, you have a great need to be with people, to socialize with them, and be accepted and respected as part of a group. You also have a need for challenges in your life, whether it is physical or social challenges.

3. Choosing yellow as your favourite means you have a deep need for logical order in your everyday life and to be able to express your individuality by using your logical mind to inspire and create new ideas.

4. If green is your favourite, you have a deep need to belong, to love and be loved, and to feel safe and secure. You need acceptance and acknowledgment for the everyday things you do for others - just a 'thank you' is sufficient.

5. Lovers of blue have a deep need to find inner peace and truth, to live their life according to their ideals and beliefs without having to change their inflexible viewpoint of life to satisfy others.

6. Indigo lovers have a need to feel in harmony and at one with the Universe and to be accepted by others as the aware and intuitive spiritual beings that they are.

7. If purple or violet is your favourite colour, you have a deep need for emotional security and to create order and perfection in all areas of your life, including your spiritual life. You also have a deep need to initiate and participate in humanitarian projects, helping others in need.

8. If your personality colour is pink you have a deep need to be accepted and loved unconditionally.

9. If turquoise is your favourite colour your deepest need is to create emotional balance in your life, to be able to express your hopes and dreams no matter how idealistic they may be and to make your own way in the world under your own terms.

10. If your favourite colour is magenta, you are a non-conformist who sees life from a different point of view.

9. Lovers of brown have a deep need for a safe, secure, simple and comfortable existence with supportive family and friends.

10. Lovers of black have a need for power and control in order to protect their own emotional insecurities.

11. If white is your personality colour, your deepest need is for simplicity in your own life and to be independent and self-reliant so you do not need to depend on anyone else.

12. With gray as your favourite colour, you are the middle of the road type, cool, conserved, composed and reliable. You tend to conform just to keep the peace.

13. If silver is your favourite, you are intuitive and insightful and have a strong connection with a higher spiritual guidance.

14. With a personality colour gold, you radiate charisma, personality and individuality, making others feel relaxed and valued in your company.



Tuesday 18 November 2014

My Favourite Social Media !

There are various types of social media. Nowadays people are really used to these social media applications compared to face to face interection. This social media had been very easy since the applications are can be easily downloaded to our smart phones directly. This been the advantage for everyone to be addicted to those application. Even I’m addicted to few of this social media. And today I would like to share you all about my favourite social media.

     My favourite social media is Instagram. Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, and share them on a variety of social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr. Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, and launched in October 2010. The service rapidly gained popularity, with over 100 million active users as of April 2012.

     I’m used to Instagram because it’s one of the most popular mobile photo, video sharing application. It is the first photos sharing app on iphone. Many got attracted and Millions of users got registered because it’s very simple to use and most important thing is, it added value to photographers, and all photo lovers. The features that were built are very useful and simple.
     And more importantly I wish I can be the Instagram user forever because the privacy terms allow to protect our photos from the unknown people. Rules keep changing so, one should always look at Privacy terms before signing to Instagram. And I could also buy real Instagram followers.

You don’t have your Instagram account yet? Sign up now and enjoy the features as well! Good luck 


What is Google Play?
Google Play, which was originally born and referred to by Google as the Android Market, is Google's official store and portal for Android apps, games and other content for your Android-powered phone or tablet. Just as Apple has its App Store, Google has the Google Play Store. It's a huge place and it offers a lot of content to its users, but don't worry, though. Android Central is here to help.

       The featured stories that should help answer all your questions about the Play Store and get you well on your way to discovering all the great content and how to best find it and get it on your Android device. Applications are available through Google Play either free of charge or at a cost. They can be downloaded directly to an Android or Google TV device through the Play Store mobile app, or by deploying the application to a device from the Google Play website. Many applications can be targeted to specific users based on a particular hardware attribute of their device, such as a motion sensor (for motion-dependent games) or a front-facing camera (for online video calling).

      The Android Market was announced by Google on August 28, 2008, and was made available to users on October 22. Support for paid applications was introduced on 13 February 2009 for developers in the United States and the United Kingdom, with support expanded to an additional 29 countries on 30 September 2010. In December 2010, content filtering was added to the Android Market and reduced the purchase refund window from 24–48 hours to fifteen minutes.

      On 6 March 2012, the Android Market was re-branded as Google Play. On 2 May 2012, Google rolled out direct carrier billing for music, movies and books. On 24 May 2012, Google introduced in-app subscriptions to Google Play. On 12 July 2012, Google released update 3.8.15 which added Application Encryption functionality to help reduce application piracy. Since this update, many developers have noted compatibility issues causing various third-party widgets and keyboards to disappear after phone reboots or connecting to USB storage. Currently, a fix is planned for a future release of Android OS.

  And as we know today most of us are not the Apple user. Since, google giving us this facilities we should be able to use it wise. Have a nice day! 

Stress Mangement

Hello everyone. How are you all today? How was your day? Is it a stressful day? Did you managed your stress successfully? For those who done managing your stress say “ Woahhh I’m done with it”. For those who didn’t, no worries. You still have chances and perfect ways to overvome it. And today I’m going to share you all few methods to handle the stress.

Opsss.. before that you should identify the sources of your stress. Then only you can manage your stress effectively. But that’s not very easy to identify the sources of your stress in few minutes. Its take time as well.

Once you identified your source of stress, you may try the following methods to prevent it.  As the first one, avoid people who stress you out. If someone consistently causes stress in your life and you can’t turn the relationship around, limit the amount of time you spend with that person or end the relationship entirely. Secondly, pare down your to-do list. Analyze your schedule, responsibilities, and daily tasks. If you’ve got too much on your plate, distinguish between the “shoulds” and the “musts.” Drop tasks that aren’t truly necessary to the bottom of the list or eliminate them entirely. Third, express your feelings instead of bottling them up. If something or someone is bothering you, communicate your concerns in an open and respectful way. If you don’t voice your feelings, resentment will build and the situation will likely remain the same. Fourth, manage your time better. Poor time management can cause a lot of stress. When you’re stretched too thin and running behind, it’s hard to stay calm and focused. But if you plan ahead and make sure you don’t overextend yourself, you can alter the amount of stress you’re under. And finally, focus on the positive. When stress is getting you down, take a moment to reflect on all the things you appreciate in your life, including your own positive qualities and gifts. This simple strategy can help you keep things in perspective.

Friendly advice : always learn and try to forgive. Accept that fact that we live in an imperfect world and that all people might make mistakes. Let go of anger and resentments.

Thanks for reading and do not forget to follow the steps. Manage your stress in a positive way for a positive results.

Monday 17 November 2014


Hello everyone. Today I would like to share you all about a top rated issue all over the world. Yes, it’s about cybercrime. Cybercrime is also known as computer crime. Cybercrime, refers to any crime that involves a computer and a network.

Cybercrimes are also defined as offences that are committed against individuals or groups of individuals with a criminal motive to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm to the victim directly or indirectly, using modern telecommunication networks such as Internet and mobile phones. ( defined by Dr. Debarati Halder and Dr. K. Jaishankar )

There are few types of cybercrimes that we should know :

1. HACKING**- Hacking in simple terms means illegal intrusion into a computer system without the permission of the computer owner or user.

2. VIRUS DISSEMINATION- Malicious software that attaches itself to other software.

3. SOFTWARE PIRACY**- This is about theft of software through the illegal copying of genuine programs or the counterfeiting and distribution of products intended to pass for the original. This action can be done in various ways as end user copying.

4. PORNOGRAPHY**- Pornography is the first consistently successful ecommerce products. Pornography is also encourage people to visit their websites very easily.

5. IRC Crime- Internet Relay Chat (IRC) servers have chat rooms in which people from anywhere the world can come together and chat with each other Criminals use it for meeting conspirators. And this IRC crime is mostly done by those sleeper cells around the world.

6. CREDIT CARD FRAUD**- Typing the credit card number into any websites off the vendor for online transaction. If electronic transactions are not secured the credit card numbers can be stolen by the hackers who can misuse this card by impersonating the credit card owner.

7. STALKING**- The criminal follows the victim by sending emails, entering the chat rooms frequently.

8. CYBER DEFAMATION**- The criminal sends emails containing defamatory matters to all concerned of the victim or post the defamatory matters on a website. (disgrutled employee may do this against boss, ex-boys friend against girl, divorced husband against wife etc)

9. SALAMI ATTACK**- In such crime criminal makes insignificant changes in such a manner that such changes would go unnoticed. Criminal makes such program that deducts small amount like RM2.50 per month from the account of all the customer of the Bank and deposit the same in his account. In this case no account holder will approach the bank for such small amount but criminal gains huge amount.

(** famous in Malaysia)