Tuesday 9 December 2014

Few ways to improve your communication skills J

        The best thing you can do to improve your communication skills is to learn to really listen to pay attention and let the other person talk without interrupting. It's hard work, we know, but "A good conversation is a bunch of words elegantly connected with listening." Then, even if your communication styles don't match, at least you're both working off the same page. And hopefully the other person will be attentively listening to you too.

         Let's face it, we've all drifted off when someone else was talking or misheard the other person. Asking questions and repeating the other person's last few words shows you're interested in what they say, keeps you on your toes, and helps clarify points that could be misunderstoo. It also helps for small talk and to fill in awkward silences. Instead of trying to stir up conversation on mundane topics like the weather, ask the other person. It's more important to be interested than to be interesting.

        The best communicators adjust how they talk based on whom they're speaking to; you'd probably use a different style of communication with co-workers or your boss compared to when you're speaking with your significant other, kids, or elders. Always try to keep the other person's perspective in mind when you try to get your message across.

        Communication is a two-way street. If you practice taking the opposing viewpoint, you can reduce the difficulty and anxiety that sometimes arises when trying to truly communicate with others. (For example, knowing what your significant other really means when she says she's too tired to talk.) Developing empathy helps you better understand even the unspoken parts of your communication with others, and helps you respond more effectively.

       “Um's and ah's” do little to improve your speech or everyday conversations. Cut them out to be more persuasive and feel or appear more confident. One way is to start keeping track of when you say words like "um" or "like." You could also try taking your hands out of your pockets or simply relaxing and pausing before you speak. Those silences seem more awkward to you than they do to others, trust us.

How you going to stay fit??

1.  Don't skip your meals! No matter it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, always have your meals and don't skip them. Your body gets used to the meals and you should follow along. One skip of breakfast, lunch or dinner you might as well say goodbye to keeping your body healthy. The digestion system will get ruined.

2.  Eat good healthy foods! Carbohydrates are especially healthy for you and keep your body fit. No, don't overload your plate with strawberries, bananas, mangoes and grapes. Just eat a kiwi or papaya after breakfast or lunch and grapes or mango after dinner. Write it down in your schedule: eat some carbohydrates and be proud of yourself.

3.  Say no to junk. Avoid eating your regular junk food which naturally consists of: packets and packets of crisps, sugary food, coca-cola (fizzy drink), etc. Try eating a bowl of salad instead, or eating prawns instead of crisps. And for heavens sake, drink water instead of coke! Water and milk help you be fit and instead, you drink something so unhealthy that it takes away the calories of your bones and sooner of later, you wont be able to move, because your bones will be too weak.

4.  Don't mix and match! Once you start eating carbohydrates, try your best to continue eating them! You can't have carbohydrates for breakfast and then left-over pizza with hot sauce for dinner. Come on, live a little! The food pyramid is loaded with stuff we need to eat and the carbohydrates section is the fattest. Follow it, eat it, smile. You'll be glad you did.

5. wherever you go, have a small packet of healthy snacks eg. a pack of peanuts. They are very useful and can be carried around long journeys. Or maybe eat a banana on the way out. No, it won't look lame. It will be helping you with your body and with your fitness. Don't avoid this step.


Saturday 6 December 2014

What type of gifts do girls like?

Girls do really love accessories as their birthday or surprise gifts. Because they going to use it in their daily life. And every time when they use it, they will remember about you and happy about what you’ve done for them. Accessories do not to be the gold. You can gift them colourful bangles, earings, rings and so on.

You are not good in choosing dress for girls? It’s ok. Bring them for shopping. Tell them about your budget and your intention. They wil choose the best outfits for them. But make sure you are free on that time and willing to wait for them to choose one. Because it’s not easy for girls to choose the best dress among lots of outfits.

Do you think that girls are mostly not interested with gadgets? Actually it’s wrong. Because girls do have same interest like boys on these gadgets. But they face problem when they have to cover the maintanance of the gadget. So girls also love gadgets. So it can be one of the gift that u buy for them.


All the girls will love this. Make sure you gift them a teddy bear once in your life. If not you going to be critize in your full lifetime. 

Signs of smokers

Smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes or any type of tobacco causes physical changes in the body. While some of the effects of smoking can't be seen for years, other signs of cigarette smoking can be observed within days, if not minutes, of the last cigarette. Some of the signs are overt while others may be less obvious.

Physical Evidence

Finding tobacco or paraphernalia in the person's possession or on his property may appear to be an obvious clue that the person is smoking. However, while finding actual cigarettes, lighters, matches or pipes can mean that a person is smoking, it is not definitive. Other reasons may exist for having possession of tobacco or accessories. Finding evidence of cigarette smoking may be a more clear sign. Ashes in a car or ashtray, cigarette butts or burn marks may be a stronger indication that the person is smoking.


Smokers experience the effects of tobacco in their appearance and presence. According to MayoClinic.com, smoke immediately gets in a person's hair and clothing, causing the person to smell like tobacco. Cigarette smoke quickly causes the breath to smell bad. After a period of time, teeth and fingernails begin to turn yellow or brown. Cigarette smoking narrows the arteries that lead to the head, causing pallor and an unhealthy appearance. Eventually, cigarette smoking causes wrinkles, a raspy voice and often a hacking cough.

Emotional Signs

According to a 2010 study in the journal "Addictive Behaviors," while some people smoke to self-medicate or improve mood, some teenage smokers may actually experience an increase in depression. people who used cigarettes to enhance mood had a higher risk of experiencing depression than people who never smoked. Nicotine and other tobacco constituents also have an effect on brain circuitry. People may exhibit fewer attention-deficit symptoms after smoking cigarettes.

Are you a Wedges lover??
Here are some of the advantages of using wedges sandals compared to normal heels.

     Wine beverages wedge sandals give the opportunity to flaunt your stunning legs however they will also help strengthen your posture. How does this work? Regular back heel shoes will often have you teetering back and forth putting pressure at uneven odds within the heel and also your toes. Your back is actually required to adjust and may also cause great strain, and also the heavy burden your toes are experiencing to set program day after day. In choosing your footwear it’s essential to be certain that you practice proper besides the fitness of you but also the health with the back. By putting on a different heels you are usually putting a lot of stress on your lumbar which can have negative long-term effects with your body.

     Wedge sandals come to be more popular than ever and partly due to the possibility that wearing wedges can provide you with the correct support that your choice of skeletal structure should function at it's wise. No longer balanced exercise between heel and toe. Back sandals gives complete support around the full-length of this foot, which signifies your system can loosen off and let gravity operate in your favour.
     During winter wise hide within our comfortable winter shoes, which have been roomy, warm and supportive. We be very careful once warmer times approaches, that people continue this trend by finding foot wear not only extenuates our stunning legs but will also keep, our bodies in sync with natural posture. Wedge heels will give your more support than some other sandal, flip flop and other rear foot sandals that you'll find.

      Wedge heels are additionally extremely feels good. No tired legs, aching back and swollen toes. The full support of wedge sandals helps to keep your blood flowing smoothly via your liver and lets the vitality release itself without constraint, keeping you healthy and fit. Where walking for a beach on a sunny in regular pumps would normally be considered total nightmare, wedge sandals help walk quickly and completely and confidence. The best thing about these new fangled platform slippers isn't that only would they help to keep your physique posture at its optimum yet they look fantastic!

      Something about it shape the human body much better than wedge sandals. By arching your feet merely the most suitable angle and keeping your entire body inside of a relaxed state you will find that you feel one people are watching in awe. Elevating your heel assists in the lengthen your leg, which in turn can help to tighten your buttock muscle helping to make a person looks absolutely stunning. Quite often that home security system buttock muscle naturally firmed also spontaneously tightens your stomach muscles which as well as assist you to visually reduce weight but in addition strengthens your back plus your posture.!

Friday 28 November 2014


Ice cream's origins are known to reach back as far as the second century B.C., although no specific date of origin nor inventor has been undisputably credited with its discovery. We know that Alexander the Great enjoyed snow and ice flavoured with honey and nectar. Over a thousand years later, Marco Polo returned to Italy from the Far East with a recipe that closely resembled what is now called sherbet. Historians estimate that this recipe evolved into ice cream sometime in the 16th century. England seems to have discovered ice cream at the same time, or perhaps even earlier than the Italians. "Cream Ice" as it was called, appeared regularly at the table of Charles I during the 17th century.

Let’s try a simple and easy recipe. It’s very simple and the ingredients are very easly can be found.

Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

2 cups heavy cream, 1 cup whole milk, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 4 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped

1. Use an ice-cream maker.
2. In a large bowl, combine the cream, milk, sugar, and vanilla.
3. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for freezing. Once the desired consistency has been reached, stir in the chocolate.
4. Serve immediately or freeze in an airtight container.

1. Do not allow ice cream to repeatedly soften and re-freeze. When ice cream's small ice crystals melt and re-freeze, they can eventually turn into large, unpalatable lumps.
2. Your freezer should be set at between -5°F and 0°F. Ice cream is easy to dip between 6°F and 10°F, the ideal serving temperature range.
3. Store ice cream in the main part of the freezer. Do not store ice cream in the freezer door, where ice cream can be subject to more fluctuating temperatures since the door is repeatedly open and shut.
4. Keep the ice cream container lid tightly closed when storing in the freezer.
5. Don't store ice cream alongside uncovered foods; odors may penetrate ice cream and affect its flavour.
6. Put ice cream products in a separate section of the grocery cart or place on top of other groceries.
7. Store ice cream in the main part of the freezer, not on the door, where it is subject to more fluctuating temperatures
8. Keep the freezer door closed as much as possible. Standing at the freezer and staring inside will warm all the items you are storing.

9. When you store pungent food, the smells can move quickly. Those odors can mix with your ice cream and change the flavour. So be careful on this.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Saree – Indian Traditional Wear

Saree is an Indian traditional costume worn by females. It is a long cloth that goes from four to nine yards long and it is draped in various styles. Saree is a national dress in India. But besides that formal tag, it is a garment that accentuates the beauty of an Indian woman to the fullest. Saree is also one of the most versatile clothes. There is a type of saree for every occasion. Different types of sarees are worn on different occasions.

Sarees are made from many different types of materials and decorated with many different styles of embroidery. The different types of materials all create different textures and styles of drapes and therefore very much shapes the overall look of the saree. The embroidery must also match the material of the saree. The various types of sarees are:

1.Georgette Sarees
One of the most common materials used for modern sarees is georgette. This is a reasonably sheer lightweight fabric which is slightly heavier and less opaque then chiffon. This makes georgette sarees ideal for creating pleats and creates an elegant saree drape. Georgette is often made of silk or polyester and has a slightly springy quality which makes it move on it’s own. This is again ideal for the saree pleats when walking and the saree drape. On a georgette sari you can have both lighter and heavier types of embroidery and any type of print. A versatile sari and Indian suit material.


2. Chiffon Sarees
Chiffon is a material which gives an elegant floating appearance to any outfit and especially to the Indian sari. A chiffon sari, being so elegant is ideal for evening wear. Chiffon is a sheer lightweight fabric which creates a lightweight sari which is suited to both light and heavier embroidery. Chiffon can be made from silk, nylon or polyester.



3. Silk Sarees
Silk is a material famously associated with the Indian sari. Traditionally silk sarees have been considered a sign of wealth. Silk sarees these days are less common although silk sarees still create a real look of elegance and are often simple and light to manage. Silk sarees have a natural shine which is great for showcasing traditional Indian prints.


4. Crepe sarees
Crepe is an increasingly popular material used for both sarees and in Indian fashion in general. Crepe is a woven or knitted fabric and often regarded as a luxurious material. Crepe sarees have a great drape and fall, again making crepe sarees perfect for evening wear.


5. Cotton Sarees
Cotton sarees are often light-weight and easy care sarees. Cotton sarees are normally associated with a more casual sari style.


6. Bandhani Sarees
The bandhani sari can be traced back to its roots in Rajasthan and Gujarat in India. The bandhani print in both Indian fashion and Indian sarees has seen a recent revival. Bandhani sarees and prints are recognisable by their distinct tie-dye print.